Children's Ministries

“Dedicated to building relationships and providing a creative learning environment so that our children know they are loved and valued by God and will enter into a deeper relationship with God and grow as they follow in Jesus’ footsteps.”

Cradle Roll

River East’s Cradle Roll is designed to welcome new babies into our congregation by giving a gift at birth, providing parents with encouragement throughout the first two years and recognizing milestones such as birthdays up to age 2.

Infant Nursery (ages infant – age 4)

River East’s Infant Nursery is committed to providing a loving, healthy and safe environment for our babies and toddlers, up to and including age 4. We want our youngest children to feel, from the very first experience, that church is a place where they are loved. During the Worship hour and Sunday School, care givers interact with children, demonstrating God’s love by participating with them in a variety of activities (singing, playing with toys, reading books), and caring for their physical needs.

We have a number of qualified volunteers and parent-volunteers that staff the infant nursery on Sunday mornings on a rotational basis. (By law, all our volunteers have been cleared against the criminal record registry and the child abuse registry.) If you plan on dropping your child off in our nursery on a regular basis, we request that you fill out one of our child information postcards along with a current photo of your child. This will provide our volunteers with pertinent information about your child such as their name, parents’ names, and allergy information.

Elementary (Kindergarten – Grade 6)

Families from Children’s Ministries enjoying an afternoon together!

Children meet together downstairs for a multi-age worship time, followed by age-based small group learning. Activities include singing, Bible stories, crafts, games, small group discussion and Bible verse memorization.

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